Latitude N 47° 54' 42"    Longitude E 07° 21' 22"    Altitude 210 m

:actuelle::console::instruments::extrèmes::records::records absolus::records mensuels:
:graph::historique::hist graph::rapports NOAA::forum::webcam:


Sorry, there is no data found for Avril 2024

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Météo Meyenheim


 Latitude N 47° 54' 42"    Longitude E 07° 21' 22"    Altitude 210 m

Année: Mois:
\n"; echo $select; // END NEW ********** display_month($year,$month) ; function display_month($year,$month) { global $raw, $SITE, $months ,$graph ,$daysinmonth ,$rtmin ,$rtmax ,$rtavg ,$rpluie, $rventr, $rventt, $rpmin, $rpmax; global $rhmin ,$rhmax ,$nbj ,$tmin ,$tavg ,$tmax ,$hmin ,$hmax ,$pluie ,$ventr, $ventt, $pmin, $pmax; $months = array ("Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Août", "Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Décembre"); $rtmin = '"['; $rtmax = '"['; $rtavg = '"['; $rpluie = '"['; $rventr = '"['; $rventt = '"['; $rpmin = '"['; $rpmax = '"['; $rhmin = '"['; $rhmax = '"['; $graph = '1'; // Set found counter to 0 $found = 0; $tmin = 50; $tmax = -50; $tavg = 0; $hmin = 100; $hmax = 0; $pluie = 0; $ventr = 0; $ventt = 0; $pmin = 1100; $pmax = 900; foreach($raw as $key) { if (strpos($key, ";") !==FALSE ){ $values = preg_split('/;/',$key); } else { $values = preg_split('/,/',$key); } // Check to see if this is in the date data set if ($year == "20" . substr($values[ret_val('date')],6,2) && $month == substr($values[ret_val('date')],3,2) ) { // Date if ($found){ $rtmin = $rtmin .","; $rtmax = $rtmax .","; $rtavg = $rtavg .","; $rpluie = $rpluie .","; $rventr = $rventr .","; $rventt = $rventt .","; $rpmin = $rpmin .","; $rpmax = $rpmax .","; $rhmin = $rhmin .","; $rhmax = $rhmax .","; } $rtmin = $rtmin . $values[ret_val('tempmin')]; if ($values[ret_val('tempmin')] < $tmin) $tmin = $values[ret_val('tempmin')]; $rtmax = $rtmax . $values[ret_val('tempmax')]; if ($values[ret_val('tempmax')] > $tmax) $tmax = $values[ret_val('tempmax')]; $rtavg = $rtavg . $values[ret_val('tempavg')]; $tavg += $values[ret_val('tempavg')]; $rpluie = $rpluie . $values[ret_val('raintot')]; $pluie += $values[ret_val('raintot')]; $rventr = $rventr . $values[ret_val('gusthi')]; if ($values[ret_val('gusthi')] > $ventr) $ventr = $values[ret_val('gusthi')]; $rventt = $rventt . $values[ret_val('winrun')]; $ventt += $values[ret_val('winrun')]; $rpmin = $rpmin . $values[ret_val('pressmin')]; if ($values[ret_val('pressmin')] < $pmin) $pmin = $values[ret_val('pressmin')]; $rpmax = $rpmax . $values[ret_val('pressmax')]; if ($values[ret_val('pressmax')] > $pmax) $pmax = $values[ret_val('pressmax')]; if($values[ret_val('hummin')] ){ $tmp =$values[ret_val('hummin')]; }else { $tmp = 0; } $rhmin = $rhmin . $tmp.'.0'; if ($tmp < $hmin) $hmin = $tmp; if($values[ret_val('hummax')] ){ $tmp =$values[ret_val('hummax')]; }else { $tmp = 0; } $rhmax = $rhmax . $tmp.'.0'; if ($values[ret_val('hummax')] > $hmax) $hmax = $values[ret_val('hummax')]; $nbj++; $found++; } } for($daysinmonth=31;$daysinmonth>27;$daysinmonth -= 1) { $test = date("Y/m/d",mktime(0,0,0,$month,$daysinmonth,$year)); if ($test == $year."/".date("m",mktime(0,0,0,$month,$daysinmonth,$year))."/".$daysinmonth) break; } $rtmin = $rtmin . ']"'; $rtmax = $rtmax . ']"'; $rtavg = $rtavg . ']"'; $rpluie = $rpluie . ']"'; $rventr = $rventr . ']"'; $rventt = $rventt . ']"'; $rpmin = $rpmin . ']"'; $rpmax = $rpmax . ']"'; $rhmin = $rhmin . ']"'; $rhmax = $rhmax . ']"'; if (!$found) { echo "

Sorry, there is no data found for " . $months[$month -1 ] . ' ' . $year . "

"; $graph = '0'; } } // Return the array position of the variable function ret_val($lookup) { global $SITE; $rtn = array_search ( $lookup , $SITE['dfields'] ); if ($rtn !== FALSE) { return( $rtn ); } else { return("-"); } } // Return the array position of the variable function ret_rval($lookup) { global $SITE, $DATA; $rtn = array_search ( $lookup , $SITE['rfields'] ); if ($rtn !== FALSE) { return( $DATA[$rtn] ); } else { return("-"); } } // Function to read the data file with the // Delimiter provided function get_raw( $rawfile , $del ) { $rawdata = array(); $fd = fopen( $rawfile, "r" ); if ( $fd ) { $rawinfo = ''; while (! feof ( $fd ) ) { $rawinfo .= fread( $fd, 8192 ); } fclose($fd); $rawdata = explode ( $del, $rawinfo ); } else { $rawdata[0]= -9999; } return $rawdata; } // facility to show the code in a browser if ( isset($_REQUEST['sce']) and strtolower($_REQUEST['sce']) == 'view' ) { //--self downloader -- $filenameReal = __FILE__; $download_size = filesize($filenameReal); header('Pragma: public'); header('Cache-Control: private'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header("Content-type: text/plain"); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Content-Length: $download_size"); header('Connection: close'); readfile($filenameReal); exit; } // END show code ?>
Pression atmosphérique

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